Pinot grigio has an extremely attractive fragrance that abounds in mature and overwhelmed fruity aromas of continental fruits like apples, bananas and pears. The maturity of the flavor is also evident in additional herbal additives with spicy character. The taste has a mature character as well as the smell and emphasized fullness, whom alongside the strong alcohol the generous extract contributes the most, whose richness, in addition to fullness, is deserving of long-lasting and appealing fruitiness of the aftertaste.
Pinot grigio has an extremely attractive fragrance that abounds in mature and overwhelmed fruity aromas of continental fruits like apples, bananas and pears. The maturity of the flavor is also evident in additional herbal additives with spicy character. The taste has a mature character as well as the smell and emphasized fullness, whom alongside the strong alcohol the generous extract contributes the most, whose richness, in addition to fullness, is deserving of long-lasting and appealing fruitiness of the aftertaste.